Re: Jomes Wulf

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2000 02:26:55 GMT

Joerg Baumgartner:
> Jomes seems to have become the
> military governor (Duke) of northeastern Quiviniland, where he settled a
> good number of Lunar veterans on former Maboder territory. (In this the
> Lunar army is very similar to Roman legions in Britain.)

This is tickling at my forebrain: Jomes's "villa" is located on some or other published map of Quiviniland, or some portion thereof, isn't it? But I can't remember which. Anyone help me out here? Your mapmeister self notably included, Joerg... For some reason I thought it was further west than the Maboderless lands, but my synapses refuse to be more specific.


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