Mostali and paranoia

From: Theo Posselt <>
Date: 04 Feb 2000 14:22:21 -0600

     This entire Mostali and Paranoia conversation is interesting enough 
     for me to de-lurk - perhaps because I work in manufacturing IT, and 
     share Keith's perspective.
     In any case, a couple of notes:
     Richard says: <<Another dwarf - Paranoia parallel:  I seem to recall 
     that everyone in Paranoia is a member of one or other secret society. 
     Similarly (perhaps) it seems every dwarf stands somewhere on one (or 
     more) continuum from orthodoxy to heresy.>>
     This is all true.  Another trait in Paranoia is that everyone has a 
     mutation, but they're all illegal.  So the MGF approach might be to 
     have a chaos-infected, Mostali society thriving with openhandism and 
     Personally, I had been thinking of a Paranoia-inspired adventure 
     earlier, but I had been thinking of setting it in a Lunar Army camp, 
     perhaps in Riskland.  You've got all the elements there: a top down 
     hierarchy (The Emperor loves you, citizen!), chaos gifts in the place 
     of mutations, most of the army belonging to some secret Orlanthi cult 
     or another...  Might be fun.  Yet another approach would be to set it 
     in the West, of course.  Not to be too off-topic, but I seem to recall 
     something about Chaos Monks that might be relevant.
     Getting back to Richard's original posting:  
     <<paraphrase - Mostali society is highly organized and extremely 
     bureaucratic, but the procedures are broken>>
     This all makes sense to me... so I would conceptualize that the 
     Mostali have developed QA procedures to deal with breakdowns.  Perhaps 
     this is the role of the Diamond dwarves: come in, review a worksite, 
     make recommendations for alterations.  Perhaps they have to report to 
     central resource controllers on the status and continuation of a job. 
     This would take a certain amount of individual judgement, which would 
     require the QA dwarves to balance a fine line against individualism.  
     I think this has some game potential - the players could be the QA 
     team, come in to review a project where, they quickly discover, 
     everything is running amok.  At the same time they're watching each 
     other for any sign of individualism, but developing further down that 
     road themselves...
     More from Richard: <<paraphrase: Gembourg dwarves stockpiling to 
     rejewel Yelm's thrown>> - I love this, it's a great idea.  But who are 
     the 'Gembourg evacuationists'?  Could someone email me directly a 
     Regards, and most likely relurking,


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