I'm not an expert, but for me the valkiries are close to the Umakth's
enerjars. The -heroes- fallen in battle are carried to the Humakt's
Halls for the Final Battle. They are incarnate female storm spirits (or
the spirit of dead female warriors), riding air spirits in pegasi shape.
They are not very numerous, but very mighty. I think their number is 13
(or 10 or 17 or 9 :)!!) Maybe some humakti initiate can receive a
valkirie help after a very good DI roll.
In the west S. Humakt have a Doughters Legion of spirits that the pagan
barbarians call Valkiries.
Unluckly, after Humakt give up from the Storm family the power of the
valkiries are diminished (or are replaced by the Vingans). The mith is
nebulous and shifting. In modern times they are a very rare sight (and
object for a major heroquest!).
All _In My Game_
Pardon my english
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