Seshnelan Sex Scandal Shocker!

Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 14:03:30 EST

Well, actually just discussions about gender, but I couldn't resist the subject line...


<< <<2) Widows without male relatives. Even then, only if they're tradeswoman
 peasants with a means of independent support, and they don't mind people  thinking them odd and other women suspecting them of doing scandalous things  with their husbands. Otherwise, someone will adopt them.>>  

 What do you, Trotsky, mean by "adoption", in this instance? A patriarchal or "au-pair" relationship?>>

    It could be either, really, although the former is more likely. After all, if someone doesn't adopt them (and sometimes no-one will), they're going to end up as beggars.  

<< I don't know these Unions (syndicates?), but IMG most Western Sorcerers
choose celibacy and refuse to recognise their sexuality.>>

     That's certainly one option, but I don't believe its the only one (it depends on the Union, I suppose). After all, its no fun if at least some of the suspicious-looking atheists in Seshnela aren't up to just the kind of loose morals that everyone else thinks they are - equally, its no fun if at least some of them aren't!

<< So female sorcerers, as Lhankor Mhy do, would dress and behave (and be
considered) as sexually male-neutral as their masculine counterparts.>>

     Some of them, sure. You don't become an atheist in Malkioni society without wanting to reject at least some of that society, by definition. Which bits you reject will doubtless depend on the person: "I want to be able to act and dress like a bloke" and "I want to be independent *and* feminine" being equally non-Rokari desires, and equally good motivations for sorceresses, IMO. Others will be in it for yet different reasons, as most of the male sorcerers presumably are.  

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