Re: Alynxes

Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 16:46:03 EST

Mikko Rantasaari:

<< > > Yes, I'd agree that that's true. I can safely say that that's no longer
> > the official view, but its a perfectly good 'IMG' one.

 Too bad. I like lynxes, but a shadow cat is supposed to be something much more magical and mysterious. And they aren't supposed to be bred for interesting fur colour and an obedient nature! >>

     They aren't. Some are bred for hunting, some for hunting vermin and (if you believe Greg) some for herding sheep and cattle. None are intentionally bred for fur colour AFAIK (although, in fact, the breeds do tend to be somewhat distinctive in colour) and they most definitely aren't bred for obedience. These are cats after all!

     In fact, they're not strictly speaking breeds at all, in the sense of having been created by the Heortlings for specific purposes, but rather, they are the descendants of Yinkin's original kittens.

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