Malkioni HQ's

From: Steve Lieb <>
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 15:47:48 -0500

Oops, forgot to reply before.

In regards to the envisioning of Malkioni HQ's, I have always imagined that the Zzaburite are the most "sterile" of the mythic paradigms. The abstract concepts, the pure forms, etc. Cubes, spheres, etc.

As each revision of the western philosophy stepped in a way further and further from the origin, I have supposed that their HQ's get "richer" in a texture/dramatic sense. I.e. by the time you get to Hrestoli HQ's, they ARE like Arthurian Romances (although at base they are still Malkioni HQ's, with the actors, monsters, etc all simply the Hrestoli visualizations of pure forms, interpreted (if you like) through the "filter" of Joy)

IMO totally.

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