Most Hated Aeolians

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Sat, 22 Apr 2000 13:51:26 +1200

Joerg Baumgartner:

> >>According to Peter, they hate each others' guts:

>Me> This is solely Joerg's invention owning to his inability to
> > conceive of a second-class social group other than medieval
> > jewry, even after I had mentioned other parallels numerous
> > times.

>I can conceive various other parallels, but none of Peter's came
>close to fit anything but his point of view,

It's no surprise that I should do this as I did happen to be describing my view of Aeolians at the time! What I was criticizing Joerg for was his habit of deleting mention of those parallels sight unseen and refer to them yet again in the next post as jewish analogues. Why I didn't mention the War there and then, I'll never know.

>What I have difficulties to conceive a productive discussion with Peter
>on the digest, so I won't try any more.

One would think that the best way of having a productive discussion is not to post a patently false representation of what the other person believes. When answering Lowell's question, I gave simple concise answers without even having to criticize Joerg's concepts, simply because the specified timeframe made such arguments moot. Joerg was unable to do likewise which says a lot about him.

> > My opinion is their political influence was heavily
> > circumscribed as punishment for their historical wrongdoings.

>Peter used the term "most hated" to describe Heortling attitude
>towards the Aeolians.

Wrong. I did say that _Sartarites_ might hate the Aeolians as servant of the Pharaoh, but there is nothing whatsoever to suggest that I believe the Hendreiki and the Aeolians "hate each others' guts", the specific accusation that Joerg made.

>These historical wrongdoings appear to be Peter's hobby horse.

Given the extreme importance that Orlanthi clans place upon their history (cf. KoDP), why should I not attempt to describe Aeolians in terms of their history?

>Heortland, he has used "most hated" for the Aeolians, for the alliance
>with God Learners he postulated for them.

Perhaps Joerg would care to give a reference for this assertion?

My position on the Aeolians was described in v06.n281:

"Furthermore I think the Aeolians are socially disadvantaged as a result of past historical misdeeds."

A paragraph then explained how land ownership is the basis of political influence and social status in Heortland and that since the Aeolians had their land confiscated as punishment, they are forced to adopt a different lifestyle that does not give them influence or status. Nowhere is "Most Hated" or even "hated" used.

"As a result the Aeolians have been looked down upon by the mainstream Orlanthi because they do not live as Orlanthi should."

I fail to see how anybody reading it could conclude that I believe that the Hendreiki and the Aeolians "hate each others guts".

I then explained my view of their misdeeds in v07.n287. Contrary of Joerg's assertion, the God Learner Alliance only made up a part of it. Nowhere does the term "Most Hated" or even "hated" appear.

Sadly I am forced to concluded that Joerg has been inventing again, which he uncontrollably does when his sacred cows are gored.

>In Kralorela, the Path of
>Immanent Mastery earned Peter's predicate "most hated", for the same

Okay. Joerg can't find a single mention of "most hated" to describe the Aeolians, so he has to drag in something in which I did use "most hated" to shore up his original allegation. An apology for getting things wrong might have been more appropriate methinks...

>Peter responded to that wave of argumentation with the same
>"unmoveable object" strategy which smothered discussion or development
>he typically uses when disagreeing with me.

As opposed to threatening to quit one's post as dragon pass expert if I didn't change a writeup to mirror his own campaign better? After that astonishing display of pique, I concluded that trying to ensure backwards compatibility with your material was a hopeless dream and I feel much better for it. A moveable object in your PoV would be Henry IV at Canossa...

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