Crisis survival

From: James Turner <>
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 12:53:21 +0100

So what if Tales and LoM were produced by fans. They were sold, used in games and played by the Gloranthan community. Hence becomming GAG.

I don't remember any heated debates on the digest saying they were outright wrong, lacking in MGF or not up to Greg's vision.

Shades of the Elmal/Yelmalio affair rise again. Glorantha survived that crisis because a way to keep both Sun County and the Elmal info was reached (and imo Glorantha is a better place for it).

To not attempt to do the same with the RE ideas is just maddness. Saying "ah but Sun County was an offical publication, LoM and Tales are just fan pubs" is not only a kick in the face for those that worked on them but also smacks of elitism.

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