I am toying with the idea of making a set of everway style cards to use whilst playing HeroWars, and thought that cards with various deities on them might be useful instead of the generic cards in the EverWay deck. I thought a god on each card, with a positive meaning (traits seen as 'worthy' by the follower of the god) and a reversed or negative meaning (a common criticism of the god or cult in question, as used by outsiders).
Eg Yelm: Virtue=Authority Flaw=Tyrrany (or something like it)
Now, the thing Im not sure about is HOW MANY and WHICH gods to use (I want the deck to be as generally aplicable to Glorantha as possible), and also some opinions as to the relative virtues and flaws of said gods.
Anyone care to collaborate?
I will try to prepare such a list this weekend perhaps..
PS David Cake....whats your email? I have lost it!
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