CA Quest

From: Andrew Larsen <>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 15:38:39 -0500

    Many thanks to all those who offered suggestions for Chalana Arroy hqs. There were many fine and helpful ideas put out on the list in the past week or so, and as always, feedback from the list helps me step back from problems and see them in a new light. Again, many thanks.

    The following is what I finally decided to run as a heroquest for my Chalanan player who is stepping up to the priesthood. The basic suggestion came from my brother Peter Larsen, a RQ fan from way back at the dawn of first edition (so I can't claim the core idea as mine). The scenario is intended to explore one of the lessons Orlanth learned, namely that too much of a good thing can be dangerous. It revolves around the principle of Chalana Arroy healing not just one man, but the whole body politic. It has multiple characters which other players can briefly play as way of involving players without having to involve all the PCs. It emphasizes the whole principle of harmony as a healing force without simply relying on the CA casting a spell. Indeed, healing magic as such won't resolve the situation at all. Let me know what you think.

Andrew E. Larsen

 The Healing of King Taskorl


    When Chalana Arroy first set off to find a way to heal the Cosmos from the Great Disease, she travelled alone through the Great Darkness, spreading her message of harmony and healing. While she travelled, she came at last to the lands of King Taskorl, grandson of the Storm, a mighty king known far and wide for his bravery, wisdom, and virtue. But when she came to his hall, she found that he was gravely ill, a shadow of a king struggling to rule from his sick-bed. His wife the Queen carried on wantonly with his thegns, producing bastard sons who sought the crown. His champion was a wild and brutal man, uncontrollable even when he was sober, who terrorized the community. His carls were lazy and indolent, refusing to work hard. His merchant was a greedy and grasping man, eager to fleece the peasants of what they had. His lawspeaker was pedantic and unjust. She rebuked King Taskorl's subjects and healed the king. Rising from his bed, the king blessed her a hundred times, praising her for her skill and wisdom, and swore that he would always help her if she required.


    The healing of Taskorl is more complex than simply healing a sick king. In this myth, Chalana Arroy heals the whole tribe by returning the harmony that has been lost. The cause of the king's illness is that the members of his ring are all indulging in the excess of a virtue, and it is up to Chalana Arroy to correct the situation by making them see that too much of a good thing is dangerous

King Taskorl is a sickly man in later middle age, with thinning hair, pale complexion, weak eyes, and a wracking cough that drains him of all strength. Personally he is a paragon of Orlanth's virtues, but he cannot be well because of the moral sickness around him.

Queen Urlanda is a voluptuous and beautiful woman who has given Taskorl 3 sons, and has born 4 other children by his various thegns. She refuses no well-born man who approaches her. Her argument is that Fertility is vital to the well-being of her people, and thus she seeks to be as fertile as possible. Chalana Arroy must make see that Fertility outside the bounds of proper relationships is corrupt and weaking to the community.

Avaritan the Champion is a powerful warrior in his prime, with a fiersome sword and a terrifying gaze. He drinks a lot and picks quarrels at a whim, though only with men. His argument is that Bravery is necessary for the tribe to survive, and so he seeks to demonstrate his bravery at all times, intimidating his foes into submission. Chalana Arroy must make him see that unchecked Bravery leads to the senseless violence that is chaotic (Urain), and that fighting for no reason slays those needed to protect the community.

Pelan Creef the Merchant is a small, plain-looking man with a glib tongue and a keen eye. He brings to the community many vital things which are not available locally, but he charges extremely high prices for everything, and often cheats people with shoddy goods. He has amassed an enormous fortune which makes him as wealthy as the king, but he is stingy to his associates. His argument is that it is important for a community to have a large supply of Wealth in times of need, and that by accumulating gold he will be in a position to aid the community. Chalana Arroy must make him understand that Wealth by itself has no real value unless it is used, and that hoarding weakens the community.

Belvax Razorlaw is the tribe's lawspeaker. He is an elderly man with an exhaustive knowledge of all that goes on in the area and an extensive understanding of the minutiae of the law. He loves the legal wrangling and hairsplitting that are the worst features of Orlanthi law and frequently renders unfair verdicts on the basis of obscure laws and unimportant aspects of a case. His argument is that no people can survive unless they abide by the Law, and that he helps his people to see how the law can work for them. Chalana Arroy must make him see that Law is not the same as Justice, and that the former must always serve the latter

Tostin Clodturner is a hearty young carl with fine clothes and well-groomed hands and face. He is lazy, given to celebration and drinking, and does everything that he can to avoid working. His argument is that life without Enjoyment is no true life at all, and since the king does not work, he shouldn't have to either. Chalana Arroy must make him see that without hard work, there will be little for anyone to enjoy, and that the king does work, but not with his hands.

    Once Chalana Arroy has spoken to the five willful members of the ring and persuaded them to follow proper custom, she has effectively cured the king of what ails him, He will immediately begin to regain his strength and rise from his bed to thank her for her services. Until she has persuaded the members of the ring, none of her magic will have any effect on Taskorl's condition. If she persuades some but not all of them, his condition will improve, but not completely.

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