Re: Playin' Games

Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 16:46:17 EDT

Eric Rowe:

<< >The "hardened, glint-eyed merchant" I spoke to (*not* a fair description, as
>she gives me free sweeties) says the thing most needed for Hero Wars to
>*really* take off would be an imminent and continuing stream of supporting
>publications, so that new players will have a stream of things to play (and
>spend their money on): fast and visible support from Issaries, Inc. in order
>to catch and hold new fans.

 This is indeed vital to really take off. Anaxial's roster is being held up slightly due to lack of art, but should still make July for Origins and Convulsion unless the art takes longer than promised again. >>

     We reckon we'll have the final draft of the text within a fortnight, so artwork is indeed the only remaining problem. I don't know the state of affairs with SGU, TR and so on, but I'm sure they're all working as hard as we are, and I wish them the best of luck in getting their books out soon.


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