>One hesitates to say what's 'normal', given just how infrequently
>this actually happens. I reckon the the 'nominal' procedure assumes
>that the emperor about to pass Onward is around to effect a more
>'orderly' transition
Let's look at the examples:
If Kralorelan early myth follows the Vithelan somewhat, it seems likely that TarnGatHa stepped back and appointed HeenMaroun, likewise HeenMaroun to Metsyla.
Metsyla did't leav the office orderly, so there may have been some trouble there. Daruda is mentioned once as a princely son of Shavaya, but his myth makes it likely that the transfer of power wasn't straightforward and easy.
Yanoor and Shang-Hsa didn't leave in the orderly fashion, as well known. The ones between Daruda and Yanoor, who knows?
>It's an 'office', rather than
>a 'person', as Sandy might have said
So, can anyone who has realized his dragon nature fulfil the office? Can there be more than one realized dragon in Kralorela at the time?
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