Re:dissatisfied customers- also a question

From: Gerald R Bosch <>
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2000 16:27:22 -0400

As someone who tried running RQ2 with only the boxed set (no CoP or CoT), Ive got to agree that the number of magical keywords provided seemed to me to be quite adequate. Also, I was under the impression that the various cults chosen were the most widespread cults available that produced adventuring heroes. I've been doing some retro-fitting myself to deal with the things I need in the short-run, but when hasn't that been the case with ANY game? (In high school, I bought a D&D Greyhawk set, that only had the maps... writing the history myself was the best part!)

That having been said, I'd like to invite anyone interested to join me in some off-digest, and off-topic, discussion. While I appreciate the HW system, for various reasons my campaign is going to stick to a PenDragon Pass based game with retro-fitted HW components. Anyone doing similar work who would like to share ideas, please contact me off-digest.

Now my question... Who are the "Thunder Brothers of the Old Temple" (KoS, p.146)?


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