Re: Retconning the future....

From: Jonas Schiött <>
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 09:05:32 +0200

Michael Cule:

>>The true date for the fall of the moon (which I hope isn't supposed to be
>>a big secret) is ca. 1655. This leaves you lot of time for a long
>What? What? What? Why????? When did this happen? Is this some subtle
>chronological joke that I missed in KoS or is it some more recent bit of
>retcon? Mutter bloody mutter....

Part of the secret lore supposedly known only to GTA members, though the diffusion seems pretty wide. Sorry for mentioning it in 'advance', I thought it was going to be in the Glorantha book. But apparently there's another very general supplement planned, giving the big picture of the Hero Wars?

Anyway, you could hardly have missed that a lot of the 'facts' in KoS are suspect, could you? I mean, anything after 1625 (the previous limit for 'known history') reads more like a fairy tale or very tenuous historical speculation than the sort of gloranthan writings we'd been used to pre-KoS. Take all the dithering to and fro about Argrath's identity, frex. Very amusing, but complete hogwash... There's really no need to retcon something that's so obviously gregged on delivery.

Jonas Schiött

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