Please ask him more about it.
The more the better for me:
<<Peter Metcalph's comment about Orathorn Sorcerers:
The sorcerers of orathorn are not evil. Rather they are just different. I don't think they are Malkioni but rather they rule a land of the dead that is extremely close to the surface (it bubbled up during the Gods War and another such bubble reached the surface and formed the Hellcrack).
The single tower actually leads down into a vast voluminous cavern where the Orathorni live along the banks of the lost Seolinthur river. They are tended by the dead whom they keep as lovers and servants. These dead are pleased to serve the Orathorni for much worse hells await them if they refuse.
When Sheng Seleris ruled, he conquered Orathorn and ordered the construction of a massive Pleasure Dome stocked with the plunder of the Seleran Empire. This was intended to be a paradise for his worshippers until they would be reborn. Ever since his fall, the Pleasure Dome is still inhabited and the Orathorni have no control over what goes on inside it.
End of Comment>>
>Message: 1
>From: "Ian Thomson" <>
>Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 20:59:31 +1000
>Subject: Orathorn
>who or what is in this tower?
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