> >If there are different Black,, Blue, and Green Agess,
> You have not seen me say there are these different ages, expept perhaps in
> a GL context.
Exactly. It's very important to remember that these theories are mainly (but not exclusively) helpful to understand the GLs, some aspects of Western mythology, and (more dubiously) some aspects of other GLinfluenced cosmogonies.
Of course, the theories are, to some extent, a mirror of actual cosmic events of prehistory, but it is very hard to distinguish any particular tenet of the GL theology regarding the pre-Ages as being pan- a GL error, local Danmalastan prehistory, contamination from non-Western sources, or whatever.
The trick for proper use of GL ideas is to remember that they are false generalisations about true events/phenomena : in other words, to use the GL model as an hermeneutic tool ; which is to view all GLisms with great suspicion, to find out where the GLs were right, and where they were wrong (and where they were simply ignorant).
Just a starting point, then, but an * interesting * one nevertheless.
> >If the Black, Blue, and Green Ages are really the same
> >things, understood by different peoples,
> We don't know if this is true or not. Nor do the Gloranthans.
Greg's earlier statement that these things are impossible to prove one way or the other is very important : logic can neither comprehend nor encompass the pre-Ages, because the togetherness of all things was a general characteristic of all reality prior to the appearance of Inner World reality as we know it ; including anything true that can possibly be understood about it ; including the mind of anyone or anything that succeeded in reaching that understanding. Any true understanding of pre-conscious reality cannot be held, as thought, in any conscious individual Gloranthan mind.
This is a feature of the Materialist Western "Mysticism" that permeates the entire GL worldview.
> I do not know of any statements made by Valare that would support her
> saying anythign about the so-claled "black age"
> or the Blue Age
from GlorOranor emerged MaElsor
NOT that this proves anything, and it is _strictly_ what I think a GL interpretation would be of those Mysterious Statements, and probably a GL Error (inappropriately applying tenets of Western theology to non- cosmic metaphors). But I think that it's _exactly_ the Error that an actual Gloranthan GL would make (or would have made), misunderstanding the deeper religious/mythic realities perceived by Valare during her Journies, calling them memories of previous cosmic eras/Movements.
Julian Lord
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