Nils Weinander:
> Also, are the "common" Kralorelan mystic expected to do the
> bodhisattva thing and return, or is it only the dragon emperor
> who does that?
Realistically, few will ever even "reach" this state, so the issue of whether they're supposed to return from it may be fairly moot. I suspect it's someplace between usual and universal to make such an undertaking, though. (IMPPO. I'm somewhat following Tibetan buddhism as a back-of an-envelope analogue, here.) This also somewhat rationalises acts and practices that do not appear to help (and may even somewhat hinder) personal mystical progress, but in some long term sense are seen as promoting "liberation of the cosmos", or some other concept. (Which is on the one hand a more lofty aim, but on the other (even more) suspectible to "mysticism abuse".)
Equally though I'm sure that there are mystics in Kralorela that are intent on purely personal liberation of one sort or another. My main uncertainty would be whether they'd be "officially approved", or just regarded as "remnant practices".
Greg Stafford:
> I would love to see this happen more. I occasionally tire of people trying
> to convince me (or each other) of the truth in Glorantha. I would love to
> see these things presented as a Gloranthan document and then put into the
> HeroQuest context for testing.
Good plan. You promise not to spike any of them? ;-)
Personally I find it hard enough to turn out a decent Glorantha-level document corresponding to things I (think I) _do_ understand. Doing it for things I'm pretty sure I don't is all the harder. So personally I do think there's a role for such threads (at least while their heat/ light ratio is thermodynamically non-trivial).
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