> I'm remembering
> the student that I was more than a decade ago who loved Glorantha and
> would have found $USD100 a big financial stretch, but would have
> gladly donated a few hours to the cause.
Given (with the current GTA setup) it costs Issaries a book that would have to be shipped to Australia, I'm guessing that it will take more than "a few hours."
But HeroQuest could certainly benefit from volunteer help. I think anything that helps its visibility would be a good thing (running games at conventions or local shops, writing reviews, mentioning the game on newsgroups, etc.). Conveniently, the better job you do at this, the easier it is for Issaries, Inc. to notice (since you'll be creating a visible buzz).
One example of this is Convulsion. From where I sit on the other side of the world, this is a well-known and well-attended Glorantha event (I suspect this is a distortion of the truth). But you don't have to be so ambitious. The Seattle Farmers Collective has held mini-cons, where a few friends gather from out of town for a weekend to play Glorantha games. You could have a small group play King of Dragon Pass (which because of its structure is fairly well suited to extra "ring members") as a visual introduction, then fast forward 250 years and have them enter the Hero Wars...
-- David Dunham <mailto:dunham_at_pensee.com> Glorantha/HW/RQ page: <http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha.html> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein --__--__--
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