>What makes the matter confused is that Daxdarius of highland certainly
>fought against Gartemius in Entekosiad.
Not necessarily. Daxdarius left behind a large body of followers that could be understood in mythology as being Daxdarius himself. In this way, Daxdarius can oppose Gartemirus even though the two lived in different periods.
>Checking the source material I have on pre-historic Western Peloria (i.e.
>Entekosiad, with small bits from Broken Council, TFS, GRoY and Genertela
>Box) I came to wonder which culture Daxdarius belonged to. The story of his
>fight against the Andam Horde calls his homeland Oroninian. Was he an
>Oroninelan? Did he and his warriors wear blue paint, or even have blue skin?
No, Daxdarius was a foe of the Blue King. His conquest of the Blue King is told distantly in the Glorious ReAscent where it is ascribed to Emperor Urvairinus.
>I still have difficulties getting Daxdarius, Idomon and his grandson
>Gartemirus, and Bisos into a sequence.
That's because Bisos's myth belongs to neighbouring land.
>Entekosiad mentions a "Bull Stops Here" battle which seems to
>have been fought somewhere between the Oronin region and Karantes.
The "Bull Stops Here" battle is a victory of the Lenshi horseriders over bullriders. Hence it occurs during the Darkness.
>Daxdarius' fight against the Andams seems to predate this, paralleling the
>advance of the Ram people (under Urvairinus). However, the first war of
>Urvairinus (against the King of Naveria, the Lord of Seven (i.e. the
>Pelandan High Gods on Mt. Jernotius?) might relate to this event, too.
The first war of Urvairinus is against the pre-Naverians and is told from the other side in the myth War is Invented (Entekosiad p34). There the Lord of Seven is known as Protector of Seven and is not a king but brother to Queen DerOrios. That circumstances of that conflict (establishment of the patriarchy) is not the same as the reasons why the Ram People were fought (and even the Dara Happans recognize those battles as separate).
>I am left with three post-flood (i.e. post blue invasion), pre-Greater
>Darkness civilisations for roughly the same period and area - Bisos to the
>southwest, around Lake Oronin, Daxdarius in the lower Oronin valley, and
>Gartemirus for the same cities.
In terms of post-flood cultures, Gartemirius has nothing to do with the Blue King. Instead the three should be Bisos (SW and around the lake, Pelandan (in the hills) and the High Gods (lowland cities).
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest
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