> There is no definitive superiority or inferiority among duke, count and=
> and their difference are derived from their linguistical origin.
The relationship between Count and Earl in England at least -is- definitive. They're the same thing, which is why the wife of an Earl has=
the title Countess.
In all the mediaeval systems I've come across, a Duke has precedence over=
Count/Earl (anyone know of exceptions?). In Roman times, though, Comes w=
a higher rank than Dux. Also, a given mediaeval lord with the title of
Duke could easily owe homage for some of his lands to another lord with t=
title Count.
For Glorantha, the only thing I'd say is unrealistic is a nice neat syste=
which is the same in all countries.
(PS: when I say England I mean England. Scotland, Ireland, Wales, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man, each have or had differences in their systems)
End of Glorantha Digest
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