> "They commercialized the Sacred Time."
Excellent. Thanks!
> On the meaning of the term Lunar" in the population tables:
> I thought that ILH itself strongly implied that this mean
> Lunar _citizen_, rather than (just) initiate of a Lunar cult.
That's what I supposed it must mean, too.
> 4. I can open it up totally, a la HQ-RPG.
Not sure I follow. The HeroQuest-RPG list (HeroWars, as was) is moderated by the list owners. We have established the rules, we communicate and enforce them, and we have occasionally determined that posters' conduct means they should be actively moderated.
I don't think the list is "opened up totally". Any appearance of total openness is probably due to the laziness, inertia and/or laissez-faire bonhomie of the list owners, and is not our stated intent.
Off-topic or unpleasant posts to the HeroQuest-RPG list *will* get you warned, then moderated.
BTW, don't change the Digest!
Cheers, Nick
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