> If it is possible in Heroquests to win abilities from other beings
> or gods, then it seems reasonable to be able to 'extend and embrace'
> into closely allied cults. Even RQ had the concept of loaned spells
> from allied cults, after all.
I wouldn't use the "Allied Cult" example of RQ - more a "Special Lunar Magic Ability" explanation. I *wouldn't* let Orlanthi borrow willy-nilly, frex. I see the Orlanth Subcults as much more exclusive than the Lunar aspects/phases. With HQ coming soon, I'd equate "Allied Magic" much more with followers, or Common Magic.
But I think that the Lunar religion is such that feat-borrowing makes sense, and probably should allowed (yeah, so I changed my mind, wanna make something of it?).
> In the cae of Natha, I would hope that the player would only use any
> borrowed feats to further a 'Ballancing' or 'Avenging' agenda.
I'm sure that's what Natha would wish, as well, but we all know the propensity of Heroes (Players) to take things and use them for other purposes :-)
> >Taken to extremes (as players are wont to do) it becomes God-
> Learnerish
> >experiments in Things Man was Not Meant to Know. How long after
> borrowing a
> >feat would it be before someone said "Hey, you know, we could borrow
> an
> >entire affinity." and from then on its a slippery slope to "All
> things are
> >aspects of the All-Inclusive Moon" and "borrowing" powers from non-
> lunar
> >gods... )
> If cults and religions were static that would be fine, but they're
> not. In The Hero Wars era some religions will be changed, others
> will be destroyed. Some magics will stop working and others will be
> discovered.
And at the end of the Hero Wars we have a new world - just like after the GLs were Wiped Out :-). "Dangerous times require dangerous measures", and the HW are about as dangerous as people have seen for a while, what I'm trying to point out is that not all capital-H Hero (including non-capital-h Player heroes) actions will benefit The World - quite the opposite in fact. I'm sure that somewhere, someone *will* try a GL-ish Goddess Swap because it is the [only/best/a good way] out of their current troubles/a really neat experiment/because we can.
It is by my order and for the good of the state that the bearer of this has
done what he has done.
- Richelieu
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