Chris Lemens:
> I was working with my 7-year old daughter on her
> history project, which is about pyramids. It can be
> Egyptian, Mayan, even Babylonian ziggurats. [...]
> Who in Glorantha builds or built pyramids?
I'm happy to say that Crude Analogising is our friend in this instance: the analogue of Babylon would have to be Dara Happa -- which duly has ziggurats; and of meso-American would be Ignorance, which indeed has (inverted, step) pyramids. The closest analogue to Egypt would be Dara Happa which-- oops, already used that one up.
I don't know of anywhere in Glorantha that has anything quite as spiffy as the classical large smooth-sided pyramids of Giza. If I were determined to have them, I might put them in Fonrit. (Despite/ because of not knowing a whole lot about Fonrit.) Or alternatively in Doraddi territory, as an especially egregious example of "We tried that already".
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