"miss_goffic_manners" <herb_nowell_at_hotmail.com>:
>1. What were the corresponding crises to Gbaji in the South and East
>(especially the East)? KoS shows the Devil (or these crises) come
>every 500-600 years. Before Time obviously the God's War was
There have been crises and gods' wars in the east too, but they are not necessarily the same, or even synchronous with the Genertelan ones. Some mythological events can definitely be correlated, but the major disasters of Genertelan myth, the shattering of the Spike and the Great Darkness are a minor side effect and unknown respectively in the east. See Revealed Mytholgies for more details.
Within history, I can't immediately think of an obvious Gbaji parallell for the East Isles.
>Similarly, the God Learners seem to be a worldwide
Well, at least as far as their influence stretched. They did for example not infiltrate the East Isles.
>and if the EWF is somehow similar to the GL (which seems to
>be the case in terms of breaking Glorantha magic, one via
>science/sorcery and the other with Draconic(mystical?) excesses).
I'm not sure that the EWF broke things the way the GLs did in the end, but rather just annoyed their old allies the dragons a bit too much.
>But how was the First Age Ended everywhere.
In the East Isles the current era, the Humans Cycle started in what would be the Grey Age in Genertela and does not have the same obvious first, second and third age IMO.
>3. Anything about the Eastern Isles beyond the roughly ten pages in
>Issaries' Glorantha book?
Both Missing Lands and Revealed Mythologies contains loads of information. A little snippet is at
There is some unofficial and partially obsolete material in Tales #17 (?)
>If I was looking for real world models for
>campaign info what would fit? It seems that Indian and Southeast
>Asia with just a touch of China (their monks are aclaimed martial
>artists) would work (the one illustration seems Indian/Sihk looking
>to me).
Think India (philosophy and religion), Indonesia (people and topography), Polynesia (outlying islands) and a touch of arabian nights (general look and feel), mix and match and you won't go wrong.
Some places:
Haragala: proud and aggressive sea lords
Mokato: fabulously wealthy but decaying centre of old learning
Hanfarador: ancient queendom with an equally ancient rivalry with their neighbours
Forng: remote island of fable, inhabited by parrot people
Ambovombe: home of heretical malkioni, converted by a western saint
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