Deneroni Tree = tradition was described as an Animistic Tradition in HW 1st Edition. But in Imperial Lunar Handbook-1 p.47, Deneronae are called Goddesses, not spirits.....(May / 2003 TI, Wait release of Hero Quest....)
(Entekosiad p.95-96 Maybe Bijib (Greg's Lenshi King fragment) = Bijiif (Dara Happan one Chip of Yelm's six parts....) (Peter Metcalph)
RedalaMa (Enclosure p.62-63, the entity of Men's Myth (from the POV of Valare's feminism eyes...)) was connected to Materialism and Sorcery =? Malkionism in this old text, as "Second Action" hinted....) (Jakareel is not Sorcery, go to Animism, Adoration is not Animism anymore....)
Wait release of HQ.
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