At the risk of pushing out Chris Lemen's incomprehension envelope...
Terra Incognita:
> I am not certain as you. :-) More and more we researched about RW materials
> of metaphysics like Yin and Yang, we struggle more for the coincidence and
> difference of RW and Glorantha. Yin and Yang is much concept of Confucianism
> in RW, at it is very mundane and not have much to do with so-called concept
> of "mysticism" in Glorantha.
In the context of this discussion, it seems to me that we're dealing with the Taoist/Han Synthesis sense, which is Yin/Yang as a cosmic duality, rather than the details of how those details might "manifest", surely.
My own notion of how the Kralori might see this as the ascending and descending principles, respectively "kra" and "lo", both seen as dragons. (Resemblence to the name of the country not coincidental.) Or as I think it was Greg that put it, the in-breath and out-breath of the Cosmic Dragon.
> Dragonewts don't think they can become dragons,
They don't?
> or at least they don't talk much about dragons formerly Kralori.
Ah, well, it's documented that they disagree, and certainly both PoVs are pretty alien to 'received Glorantha' (the 'newts much more so, of course). So indeed it'd be a mistake to equate the two in any way.
> Vithelans don't think they want to become dragons by their mystical
> practice, or at least I don't think their Liberation has much to do with
> dragons or big lizards hibernating in north continent.
> Recently, Greg talked about the difficulty to achieve Mystical Liberation
> for ordinary people, and many of eastern people invented many substitutional
> metod to achieve Liberation without such difficulty, like VenForn practice,
> Austerity, Martial Art, etc....
Note that these are not, by and large, methods to achieve liberation "for ordinary people", or without "difficulty"; they'd be specialised and difficult religious practice, simply ones that differ in mundane or magical techniques and prohibitions than the "true mystic".
> Kralori chose Magico-Centralized Nation under
> Dragon-Emperor=Bodhisattiva.
Among others, I think it's a fair bet to say.
> He will lead poor populace to achieve Summer
> Land without any Mystical Discipline. I think these are all condemned by
> orthodox mysticism like Mashunasan. Each of mystical sects blame against
> others for their practice is false and meaningless, etc....
Indeed so. (Setting aside definitional issues like whether they are 'mystic' in the Greg sense -- anyone with the same purported ends of liberation, or such like, is inevitably going to be compared in such terms by other Gloranthans (favourably or otherwise).)
End of Glorantha Digest
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