>My own notion of how the Kralori might see this as the ascending and
>descending principles, respectively "kra" and "lo", both seen as
>dragons. (Resemblence to the name of the country not coincidental.)
>Or as I think it was Greg that put it, the in-breath and out-breath
>of the Cosmic Dragon.
That is very intrigueing indeed. In the (or should I say some) taoist scheme ying and yang are constantly changing into each other and the only constant is change. Do the Kra and Lo mean that although things seem to change, the Dragon remains unchanged? So that there is an ebb and flow to things, but they eternally stay the same?
Ancending and descending principles could be used as a basis of many things. It would help understand some of the stability if the great luminous country... A changes that would bring other societies to their knees could be interpreted as mere setbacks or slopes downhill. It could help understand how their society has survived some pretty hard times relatively unchanged (atleast this is what I assume, though I really don't know much about ancient Kralorela). They could also be used in a Feng Shui analogue or some other pseudo-mystical practises.
Olli Kantola
As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.
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