>Reviewing information on the Volcano god(ess)(e)(s) of Caladraland, I
>discover and the
>fact that the literature refers to the goddess Caladra, the god Caladril,
>the god Calandra, and the goddess Caladra (still female in some paragraphs
>of the French version of
>Glorantha, to boot, erroneously I imagine).
It would be wise to note which books said what.
The Cult of Caladra and Aurelion describes Caladra as female. In Tales #7 and Gods of Glorantha, this is described as a God Learner cult.
The Broken Council Guidebook has the natives worshipping a male Caladril while the Glorantha: Intro describes the Volcano as a male god called either Caladra or Calandra (which wasn't in my submitted draft or Roderick's edition).
Since names can change over time - Arkat becomes Argrath while Raibamus becomes Raibamuth and then Raiba - the variation in Caladra's name over two millennia is trivial.
More important is the change in sex. IMO Caladra is only seen as female when she is worshipped as one of the Twins. Outside of the Twins cult, Caladra is unambiguously male. The change in sex can be attributed to the God Learners in their attempt to fit a male/female duality on the existing Sky and Earth theme.
--Peter Metcalfe
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