> Talmud was a bit peripheral, and also I'm rusty. Also I sincerely hope
> this posting causes no offence any who follows the Jewish faith, for =
> which I have the greatest respect and admiration. The answer is in
fact =
> much more interesting than the short summary I have included below. =
While I can not speak for all people who follow the Jewish faith, it certainly does not offend me, and I follow the Orthodox 'flavor' (which, if any group would be offended it would be ours ;) ).
> Accordingly I have written a much longer tract on this subject, =
> explaining the hows whys and wherefores, and in particular some =
> speculation regarding Rabbi Akiva's heroquests in re-defining Juadaism
> after the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 C.E. However, am
> not sure where I should post it!?=20
If you do not wish to publish your whole article to the list, I would love to get a copy. The whole subject of the transformation of Judaism following the destruction of the 2nd Temple is a particular area of interest for me.
[snip on rest of excellent post]
I have been studying the Talmud most of my life, and that is, in a nutshell, how I would summarize it as well.
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