> Do we know the real name of the Feathered Horse Queen? Looking at
> KoS, I'd guess that the current one in 1620 would be Single Matron
> Woman, who will be killed in Esrolia in 1623; unless Riches Without
> Tears is still around. And are these personal names, or just
> descriptive epithets?
They're descriptive epithets. One queen can have more than one -- "Bearer of the Head" is mentioned in the original Glorantha book. And King of Sartar gives a proper name for the first: Eneera Tor [p.48]
-- David Dunham Pensee Corporation dunham_at_pensee.com Voice/Fax: 206 783 7404 http://www.pensee.com/dunham/ Efficiency is intelligent laziness. --__--__-- End of Glorantha Digest
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