Mark Galeotti used several times term "kowtow" in his Kralori "Voice"s. It literally means "hit your head to floor" by two chinese characters. It shows greatest type of reverence.
Hmm, this is "oriental" custom to show reverence to rulers. Kneeling down, entreating to Father on your knees, as modern muslim do five times to the direction of Mecca. Greeks in Alexander time disliked it, though translators which I found in internet didn't translate "proskunesis" properly.
See "blank".
<<Or it may have been as a first trial, whether the Macedonians might be
brought "to adore" him, as the Persians did their kings, >>
<<He acted certainly a true philosopher's part in positively refusing, as he
did, "to pay adoration"; and by speaking out openly against that which the
best and gravest of the Macedonians only repined at in secret, he delivered
the Grecians and Alexander himself from a great disgrace,>>
I don't know lunars do it to their TakenEgi, perhaps I should reread Michael O'brien's "Jaxarte and Red Emperor".
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