Capratis and Du Tumerines

From: Michael O'Brien <>
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 23:47:10 +1000

At 09:07 2003-10-22 +1000, you wrote:
>I finished my translation of Port of Nochet. (Thanks, MOB!)
>But I have some questions about pronunciation of Don Capratis and Du
>Tumerine. How do you pronounce it? I don't know this Reaching Moon Megacorp
>set is official or unofficial.

As a general rule, nothing published in Tales of the Reaching Moon was "official" - except that directly by Greg, or from Chaosium - although a great deal of the stuff produced by Reaching Moon has made it into the broader category of GAG - "Generally Accepted Glorantha".

>But I think many of
>Quinpolic (and Castle Coast) nobles have non english sound titles and names
>in free form.......french, spanish or italian? though I know None of them
>speaks english in fantasy world. Don and Du sounds something latin

The Capratis and Du Tumerine families are meant to be a bit like the rival Italian states of the late medieval/renaissance period - think Genoa and Venice and their trading rivalries around the Mediterranean and the old Byzantine empire. I think the Capratis family was originally called "Capriti" which sounds even more Italian, but somehow an "s" got added to it.

I think David Hall helped me make them up for my scenario "Beyond the Building wall" which was published in Tales #13. Incidentally, the whole Capratis party was inadvertently left out of the issue due to a error in production. Here's some of the relevant details, full RQ3 stats available on my Glorantha Page:

Guillam Capratis
Male, 37; Rokari Lord caste (but an illegitimate son whose claim to his inheritance is therefore liable to question)

Distinctive traits
Ambitious: his claim to the title of Don is tenuous, but that just means he must try all the harder to achieve what is his by right. Devious: honest men and fools seldom succeed, but he must not fail, so therefore must use cunning.
Tenacious: an old campaigner, is used to setbacks and delays, and takes them in his stride.

Personal Connections
Guillam thinks that Father Teoberdt is extremely useful, and tends to rely on him and keep him close. He is careful not to encourage any ambition, to keep him reliant on the Capratis family: Guillam has even gone so far as to sabotage Teoberdt's standing in the Church, to make him more reliant on his favour. They do get along well though, and make a good team. He finds Sir Pegulen to be sometimes irritating, and his squire Estang to be very much so, but he is tolerant of them because of their usefulness. He does have great gratitude for Sir Pegulen's service, and fully intends to reward him when able. Guillam is quite attached to Ciscard and Luitbrand, and would be very upset if either was killed. He would seek vengeance if it did not interfere with his own ambitions.

Other Notes
While self interest is Guillam's guiding principle, do not assume that he is ruthless. He does not condone pointless viciousness or violence. He has a reputation as a duellist, which he encourages in the hope it will scare off challenges and make people afraid of him. If he knows violence is coming, he will attempt some magical enhancement. He disdains directly offensive magic, and relies on Teoberdt as magical support.

Special Items
Helmet is a family heirloom, magically enchanted (12 AP) and finely engraved with the family crest. Signet ring contains a matrix for Enhance APP intensity 6. It has a condition that only those of the Lord caste may use it. Guillam has not dared use the ring lest it fail to work for him.

Father Teoberdt
Male, 51; Rokari Wizard, former Aeolian, Capratis family retainer and priest

Distinctive Traits
Pragmatic: his loyalty applies only as long as he is treated well. Unprincipled: whatever it takes to get the job done, no matter how nasty. Calculating: he is always aware of those around him, and always analysing the situation.

Personal Connections
The Capratis treat him well and have not let him down yet, so they have his loyalty for the moment. He gets on particularly well with Guillam: they understand each other, so he would need a very good offer to leave. He finds Sir Pegulen and Estang rather irritating. He generally avoids them socially.

Other Notes
The rather rough and tumble approach of the Aeolians has left Teoberdt with more weapon skills than most sorcerers, and he makes use of sylphs (it is unusual for sorcerers to make much use of such spirits at all). He tries to talk his way out of a situation first, but when he must fight he responds with powerful magical attacks. Generally his major duty in combat is to neutralise enemy magicians, and use multispelled Palsy or Stupefy against large groups. If he knows an attack is coming and he has the time, he will probably prepare a Protective Circle. Teoberdt only began learning the Duration skill once he joined the Rokari Church, so he relies on it less than other sorcerers might.

Special Items: Biskin Shadow cat (alynx), Teoberdt's familiar

Sir Pegulen "du Voi" (any well-educated Seshnelan would realise this noble name has been made-up, and the therefore the knight using it is a fake. Real knights however, are hard to come by this far east...) Male, 33; Rokari 'Knight' (actually born into the Farmer caste)

Distinctive traits
Brash: subtlety is just not his style.
Assertive: he likes being a knight, and getting lots of respect from everybody.
Self-confident: he is a superior physical specimen, and he certainly knows it.

Personal Connections
Pegulen is very fond of Estang, not least because Estang feeds his ego. While he is not a close personal friend of Guillam's, he is loyal, and not just because Guillam has offered to arrange a knightly marriage for him once his own position is assured. He prefers simple physical pleasures, drinking, wenching and the like, and does not really understand those (like Teoberdt) who do not. In combat he may attempt an Enhance Strength spell, but generally just wades straight in. Pegulen generally only worries about protection from magic if he has already seen magic in action. He regards himself as very valorous.

Male, 16; squire to Sir Pegulen, (but born into the Rokari Farmer caste)

Distinctive traits
Attentive: wants to learn all there is to know about being a knight. Willing: always looking for a chance to improve himself in others eyes, and not sensible enough to refuse.
Hero-worshipping: Sir Pegulen is all a man should be, and he wants to be as much like him as possible.

Personal Connections
Estang wants to be a knight more than anything in the world, and Sir Pegulen says he can be some day. Currently he is a skinny, gawky lad, not very clever, but he may well make a great knight some day. While Estang is keen to prove himself in combat, Sir Pegulen does not want him hurt and tries to prevent him fighting.

The Peasants
Ciscard, Luitprand, Barmast
Males, servants, Rokari Farmer caste

Distinctive traits
Ciscard: Taciturn: speaks little to non-Rokari; Deferential: not his place to speak to the nobility unless spoken to; Diligent: works hard until the job is done.
Luitprand: Fastidious: Guillam's armour and weapons are always gleaming, his horse always well-groomed; Responsible: has been Guillam's varlet for many years, and he trusts him; Loyal: the respect is mutual. Barmast: Sullen: misses his home and does not like Esrolia; Resentful: Teoberdt enticed him from his home, and sometimes treats him badly; Sly: tries to evade work through cunning.

The Heathens
Morb, Divit, Steef
Esrolite Muleteers, males, Ernalda initiates

Distinctive traits: Downtrodden, dullwitted, timid


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