Surely, but I mean each Sacred Days of Saints. As you know, Saints of Aeolianism are "actually" deities of Storm Pantheon.
> >unlike RW catholic
> >Julius or Gregorius calendar, that is firmly attached to the cycle
> >for farming. (For example, Winter Solstice is Christ's birthday in
> >it is the proof that Christianity firmly connected to "Pagan" way before
> >like Mithraism. )
> >
> A key difference between Malkionism and Christianity is that the former
> is not historically connected to, or in any way derived from, a pagan
> culture.
I think modern scholars of Christianity agree with you, but worshipper of it don't. Lots of matter of Subjectivity and Objectivity. HQ told us "Objective" frame of truth, but it did only outline and didn't tell what believers think and what "Mystical" truth. I think Nick's Website is more close in need of such point of view, as Voices.
Most inhabitants of Glorantha don't know relationship of Three Worlds and Middle World in a sense of game players and narrators.
> Some individual Malkioni sects may have adopted pagan beliefs
> in the same way that Christianity has (the Aeolians are an obvious
> culprit here), but in general there's either no link or the Church has
> succesfully squished it, at least from its formal ceremonies - what the
> farmers get up to might be another matter, where there's a prior
> theistic tradition in that area.
That is what Common Magic attributed in HQ. But I think HQ rules still don't much talk about the secret of Hrestol, his Quest to Four Directions, Crusade and Knighthood, etc....but maybe it is exceptions, not within frame of rule boundary. That is heroquest, breaking old Shackle and seeking New Relationship.
> >Hrestol didn't die in Autumn Equinox on the contrary of my
> >expect.
> >
> I don't really see why he should. The Brithini were executing him; I
> can't see why they'd pick a particularly significant day to do so, still
> less a date that would be significant in the pagan Theyelan calendar. I
> mean, its on God Day, which is probably important enough and a good time
> for ceremonies demonstrating their superiority, but why bother waiting
> until something like the equinox?
Historically, Christ didn't revive in Easter, (oh-no, don't throw stones to
me!) Christ wasn't born in Christmas.
It is a "lie" later attributed by historians, I want to know about what
people believes. You want to say what actually occured.
Maybe Aeolians are minority, or NOT. Maybe Seshnelans and New Hrestoli have
rather different set of Sacred Days.
> >Third, martyrdom of Hrestol is important in Malkionism, though martyr is
> >patented article of christians,
> >
> Malkionism is, after all, not just based on Christianity.
Yes, but West European mindset (ie most of designers of Glorantha) is from culture of Christianity, I am NOT from it.
> >Fourth, christianity concept of Original Sin is always stressed overly by
> >Confucians,
> >
> While mankind is clearly sinful and prone to Error if not properly
> directed,
"This kind of Thinking itself induces Error and evil set of mind (I am already in Evil, I enjoy it), trust Miracle Rescue and mankind good nature." Sorry, my head is in a bucket of Kralori, you told me what you believe.
> I don't think Original Sin in the Catholic sense is much of a
> concern to Malkioni. Now, the Brithini might think everyone but them
> suffers from it, as can be proved by the fact that they keep aging, but
> not the modern mainstream Malkioni, IMO.
If you want, please call me super-sensitive to any sense of Christianity in
Glorantha, but I feel some (many?) ordinary things in Japan is not so in
European Culture that is influenced from Christianity set of mind, whether
its successors like it or not.
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