>Message: 7
>From: "Jane Williams" <janewilliams20_at_yahoo.co.uk>
>To: <glorantha_at_rpglist.org>
>Subject: RE: Runequest Forum (Among other things)
>Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 19:28:03 -0000
>Reply-To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
> > A close friend of mine is running a forum board now and it
> > promises to be really good. He has been Game Mastering
> > Runequest since as long as I can remember. He introduced me
> > to it when I was 14 (I am 31 now :) If you are interested
> > please check it out at:
> >
> > www.lorgryt.com/forums
>I'm just a bit puzzled - in what way does he (or you) feel the world
>needs yet another RPG forum, even one with the good taste to have a
>section dedicated to Glorantha (and another to RQ, and another to HQ)? I
>didn't spot anything on the surface that suggests how this forum will
>differ from others?
Does anyone know of a singular forum dedicated to both classic Glorantha and RQ? There seems to be forums for either, but not both? I ask because most RQ forums don't talk about Glorantha anymore, and most Gloranthan forums talk about modern post-King of Dragon Pass Glorantha and not the Glorantha of the 1970s and 1980s.
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