>There is nothing about them in official publications.
and adds
>The Mraloti as a whole migrated from Ralios during the Imperial
>Age (cf the Broken Council Guidebook map on p12) hence I
>expect the Valeki to be speaking Ralian (while those under
>Ramalian rule would speak Slontan).
The assumption being that they're civilized hsunchen, and further that they're civilized from Ralios and not Slontos.
>Contrary to the standard
>assumption, I think the True Earth Mraloti were the original
>culture while the Hsunchen Mraloti appeared with the introduction
>of Hsunchen secrets from the God Learners during the Second
So the Mraloti took over all of Ramalia (which would have already been pig-folk)?
(I'm getting the sense that few people have been playing in this part of the world.)
>unpublished article by Marc Millner
For the record, his name is Willner.
-- David Dunham Glorantha/HQ/RQ page: http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha.html Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein ------------------------------
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