Barntar probably is rare but Orlanthcarl is just rarer than Durev who is less of a farmer but more of a general purpose male role. There's also Orolmarn the Herder. Between them I expect they account for over half the male population.
Looking though the list of subcults I'd guess a typical clan has the following:
Durev 35% Orlanthcarl 10% Orolmarn 15% Ormalaya 5% Poverri 5% Misc. Warriors 10% - Mostly youngsters Leaders & Specialists 5% --- Total Orlanth 85% Barntar 5% Odalya 5% Others 5%
>So is magically blessing the crops, killing weeds, and
>the like women's work in Sartar?
Look at the Esrola subcults of Ernalda on pg.204 - the crop blessing and fertility magic is there. Weedkilling probably not although by refraining from blessing them they don't grow as well. Mind you I suspect Heortlings are much less worried by extraneous plants than modern farmers.
-- Donald Oddy ------------------------------ End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 34 *****************************************
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