II) The Torkani tribe is described* as being 'Darkness-worshipping'
>while the people in or around Far Point are 'Sun-worshippers'. What
>is meant by each term? Is it something a simple as replacing Elmal
>with Argan Argar and Yelmalio respectively or is there more to it
>than that?
Just a quick note on the Far Place to supplement what has already been said on the HQ list.
The exact nature and influence of the Yelmalio cult in the Far Place has yet to be revealed by Greg, but as my FP campaign history has been used in official supplements to date, here's a few personal speculations. I see the FP Yelmalian pantheon as being quite different from both the Praxian and Sartarite Sun Domers.
Some of the relevant Yelmalio background is on the (soon to move!) Questlines site at
See also my post to HQ on 21 September last year, accessible through the Yahoo Groups site:
Basically, the Yelmalio is the dominant god among the Princeros and Vantaros tribes, and also the lowland clans of the Tovtaros. This is in part political, and in part because the grain farmers of the Sharl Plains have always worshipped a 'son of the sun'.The other Far Place tribes are more or less 'traditional' Orlanthi, though with a strong Elmali element and some Tarshite/Heartland barbarian traditions.
My vision of the Yelmalian cultus is that it has undergone several waves of transformation under both Heartland Solar and Sartarite Yelmalian influence. This has been in part because of Lunar manipulation to divide the tribes, and in part the natural growth of a uniquely FP Yelmalian tradition. The evolution and growth continues, and there is much internal variation.
THE LIGHTBEARERS My own campaign uses a distinct (though fluid and ever-evolving) FP Barbarian Solar pantheon - 'The Lightbearers'. Much of this 'pantheon' exists only in the great stories or myths, and uses rituals and ceremonies from neighboring pantheons.
Yelm the Magnificent is the (distant) head.
Yelmalio (Yelmaltar), the Light Enduring, is pantheon leader and first god. He has three major subcults:
Yelmalio Highborn, the Leader and Reeve. Yelmalio Enduring, the Warrior. (Similar to RQ-era Yelmalio). Yelmalio Golden Grain, Farmer and Steadfather.
(Yelmaltar and Yelmalio are considered as linguistic cognates for the same deity -Yelmaltar is the Tarshite form, Yelmalio the Sartarite. 'Yelmaltar' means 'Son of Yelm'.)
Lokarnos the Merchant is second only to Yelmalio in importance. He is a favourite of Alda Chur and source of its great wealth.
Other major gods are Yelmanak, Watcher of the Heavens, first son of Yelmalio and Sharla; Lodril the Ploughman; Buserian the Liturgist; and the Star Captains (a handy category for assimilating foreign gods).
The Decada are Cult Heroes of Yelmalio, and include Vantar Sun Vision - Far Walker and first king of the Vantaros tribe; Karsar the Teller - Lawspeaker and Scribe; Sael the Hunter - trailmaker and wilderness guide, and Karelka the Champion - Templar and anti-Darkness warrior.
The Companions of the Light include Sedenya, the Seven Mothers, Yanafal Tarnils and other major deities of the Lunar pantheon.
The Powers of the Land include Old Firetop, masculine power of the land, father of Sharla and her sisters (Firetop is a largely dormant volcano near Alda Chur); his three daughters, Eskala, Sharla, and Vinala; and the Hawk God - Burning Sun Feather (actually a spirit).
Yelmaltar Blue Flame is Yelmalio in his aspect of city god of Alda Chur, Eternal Defender of the glass-walled city and its hinterland. He is associated with the ancient 'blue flame' temple discovered by the Far Walkers among the ancient ruins of the city.
The Good Thanes are useful storm gods 'incorporated' into the pantheon, and include Vingkot the Good King; Doburdan; Barntar the grain god of the uplands, and Harst the Reeve.
The Sworn Companions are Orlanth and some of the Thunder Brothers - storm gods that are allies, but are impure and not to be completely trusted.
The Unfaithful Companions are Storm and Earth deities that have fought along side Yelmalio, but who were weak and did not endure (basically, a category for rivals and upstarts). They include Orlanth (yip, in both categories - both Sworn and Unfaithful Companion!); Odayla (in the uplands); Daylanus; Vinga; and the Gori.
The Unpure are the 'ten foot barge pole' category- Mythic, cultic, and political enemies. They include Daylanus, Heler, Odayla (in the lowlands); Urox; Humakt; Kygor Litor; Zorak Zoran; and Gorgorma.
The Daughters of the Earth are the Womens' Pantheon. Sharla is Goddess of the volcanic plains, Rich Earth, Grainbearer, loyal wife to Yelmalio and mother to his sons. She is also called Yernalda or Ernalda in mixed rites, though many now claim that Yernalda is a second, minor wife to the god. Sharla, daughter of Old Firetop, was possibly once a tripartite goddess before being split between three cults.
The other daughters of Old Firetop are:
* Eskala, the Holy Daughter, She Who Lives Apart, Prophetess and Seer.
Eskala's tiny oracular cult is restricted to the great Temple of Yelmalio
in Alda Chur, and is firmly controlled by the Yelmalian priesthood.
* Vinala, the Outcast, the Harlot, the Disobedient, who betrayed her
husband and murdered her children. Vinala is the impure shadow that may
lurk even in the purity of light. She is increasingly conflated with Vinga,
and in some circles, with Lunar warrior goddesses!
Hearth Maidens and Weaving Women include Mahome, wife of Yelmanak, and the Good Goddesses, servants of Sharla; Chalan the Healer; Herd Sisters and Plant Daughters.
Stead Goddesses are less pure. Many are wives or paramours of Lodril.
'Change Maidens' are Goddesses who did not endure and who are not to be trusted, and include Roitina and Vinga
(It is of some discomfort to the priests of the pantheon that most of the major female deities have fire powers, while Yelmalio has lost his).
Digest Fodder? I've crossposted.
(sic transit, sub Capricornis)
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