I meant those betrayals as separate issues. Not to imply thus. My bad.
One thing about trolls IIRC is that they definitely have a different relationship to underworld and death than mostly everybody else. According to Drastic Darkness the don't take the Havan Vor route; not sure how humakti attitudes would be - if they knew about it...
Maybe for uz the end of life is an resurrection to bliss in wonderhome. Humakt is strict in not allowing resurrections of any kind for his own.
(If you want an answer _yes_, that becoming a troll is a cult-betrayal, I'm certain that Glorantha can provide you with answers,'cos YGcanV :).
> You might argue that the notion that Subere is Humakt's mother is only
> symbolicaly true, but of course all myths are purely symbolic anyway
> so that isn't going to get you very far.
That is not ever to be my argument at all.
I believe The Deepest Darkness is mother of Death, and I believe Humakt is that Death and that Subere is that Deepest of Darkness.
But, tell ye, was was Subere Humakt's mother before Humakt found the Death? Or was it forever true only after? Trying to answer, IMHO Subere had Humakt made inside her because of what Humakt did.
But, that aside, myths in glorantha are often IMO far more than symbolic. What I think is purely symbolic are small contradictions in myth. - Depends on what one means with 'purely symbolic' though. - ZZabur can be said to be purely symbolic - he might say it himself.
> > Arkat's pattern of finding power is similar to that of his father's.
> Surely this applies to any Heroquester. They all quest the path of
> their god, and therefore their 'method of finding power' is the same
> as that of their god.
What I tried to suggest, is a qualitative difference in what Arkat did as a heroquester and how he lived his life. And that the latter was a godquest. This godquest is alike in pattern to his presumed father's, Humakt's mythos. (And that I call 'true heroquesting'.)
So I was saying that Arkat was similar to Humakt even when he wasn't heroquesting within humakti cult or myths. Not every heroquestor ever takes things to a next level as Arkat did. A few might have, like Teelo Estara sure did. And maybe Argrath will.
"There is nothing like desire for preventing the thing one says from bearing any resemblancce to what one has in mind." - Marcel Proust, Rememberance of Things Past -
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 126
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