> > Personally I would make the combat affinity stem from the
> > Truth Rune rather than the more conventional Death Rune to
> > reflect the Hazars being warriors of Truth against the Lie.
>That's an interesting idea. How do you see it working out in terms of
>Feats and so on?
It should be as different from ordinary combat magics as Berserk Combat (which stem from the Disorder rune) and be based on the amount of non-truth the target has.
I guess the following scale would be the simplest way of working it out.
Magic Category
1.5 x Enemies of Truth: Servants of the Lie, worshippers of Zorak Zoran, Ikadz etc. 1 x Lunars, Chaotic Truth Rune Cults, Uncommitted Cults 0.5 x Followers of Truth: Fellow Carmanians, Truth Rune Cultists in General (except Chaotic ones). 0.3 x Followers of Truth: Fellow Humakti
With a little work, the list could be used for Yelmalions, some classes of knights (seeing that Arcane Lore p61 changes the Knighthood Rune from Death to Truth) and even Hevduran Sword Sages. In case of the Yelmalions, the enemy would be darkness cults and the friends would be light cults.
The feats would be your average combat feats that are rationalized as martial maneuvers designed to beat the crap out of anybody that doesn't respect truth.
>And would a Combat feat from the Truth rune "fit" into a conventional
>Combat affinity, if two different types of Humakt subcult felt like
No. Firstly they are from different runes and hence feats are not transferable. Secondly if a Heortling Humakti were seeking to add a Carmanian combat feat to his honor ability then he would face the same problems as a Humakti seeking to add Hiia strongblade feats to his sword combat feats (ie normally impossible but a bribable referee might allow special cases).
--Peter Metcalfe
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