> > If people are acting on the Godplane then it happens in Godtime.
> Right, the confusion is caused by thinking on the Godtime as happening
> 'before' time. It's outside of time, and therefore it's meaningless to
> talk about it occuring 'before' anything as though it were actualy
> just a special part of time itself. That's an understandable problem
> though due to the way we refer to it - GodTIME. It's perhaps better,
> but sometimes more awkward to simply refer to Godtime events as
> happening 'in myth'.
That's a nice way of looking at it. I think I can almost accept that
as a way to make it
work. The whole "sequence of ages" then becomes something of a
misunderstanding by
limited, time-bound humans?
> This stuff always reminds me of the ways the Romans co-opted local
> spirits and deities, identifying the major ones with their own gods,
> and the lesser ones as previously unknown offspring or other
> relatives.
Indeed. I think that there's a fair bit of that that goes on in Glorantha.
> I don't think it's right to say that Etyries was always a god, because
> there was a time before Etyries was born, but Etyries mastered and
> came to embody divine powers and principles that are eternal. This is
> possible for Lunars because they have a different conciousness of the
> divine from Orlanthi (but perhaps at a price).
Except that some subcults seem to be humans who became immortal in some way.
Selven Happa (Sp?) certainly seems to be a subcult of Etyries, as
well. Sartar himself is
said to have apotheosed. So obviously it is not only the Lunars who
can do this.
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