> >(BTW, was anything ever established canonically about what type
> >of magic he used? Sorcery, Animism, or Theism or "weird unique
> >thing that is all and/or none"?)
> I think from the example of Ronos Allwinds in Masters of Luck
> and Death, his cult's magic is common magic.
> --Peter Metcalfe
I'd have to disagree there. Ronos is a sorcerer and Beltinar's book
is full of wizardry
spells derived from theist myths. But that tells us nothing about
what kind of magic
Beltinar himself used. One might think this implies he used wizardry,
even if some of it
was misapplied.
I honestly don't know. He seems to have had unique magics, much like
the Goddess. It
seems no one knows for sure.
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