> Saw this on ebay:
> Glorantha Western Mythic Maps RuneQuest HeroQuest RARE
> What in the world is this?
A very rare fund-raiser for the Gloranthan ScotsCon held in Edinburgh in the autumn of 2003. The volume contains a series of gorgeous full-colour painted maps by Claire Steyert, printed on high-quality glossy paper -- you can find the graphics online here:
The book is a beautiful square hardback (blue and strangely textured; I have the only green copy in existence :-), with a weird coppery sigil on the front cover. Claire collaborated with Greg Stafford to improve on the scribbled maps from "Revealed Mythologies".
(I fear it's the kind of thing nobody will make any more, now that the Fan Publication Policy allows Issaries to veto or steal any publisher's work at the last minute...) :-(
Cheers, Nick
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