Peter Replies to Yours Truly:
> >Oh! And Erenplose? I have no idea what's down there either
> >but we have some infornation that it was there that Palangio
> >got his Iron Vrok - an apparently impossible concept.
> City of the Bird-Heads then?
> --Peter Metcalfe
Sure! Why not? One of the Adventure Hooks in=20 Trader Princes involves an Eastern Tallship=20 filled with keets and other bird-folk looking for=20 their lost homeland.
They just *know* its around Fay Jee somewhere.
P.S. Ian: Indigo is a major crop along the New=20
Coast introduced by the Trader Princes and others=20
but the natives persist in using woad. They are=20
related plants but one produces a rich, stable=20
dye and the other is traditional. You can guess=20
which one the natives prefer, to the annoyance of=20
the Trader Princes. Fortunately, there's a big=20
market for
indigo in Esrolia, the West and Heortland (where=20
a dye that doesn't rub off on your skin is more=20
important than its traditional values).
-- =46light to Peru - =A31000 Camping gear - =A3200 Native guide to take you into the mountains - =A350 Radiation detector to find mysteriously radioactive old tomb - =A3150 Sledgehammer to break down stone door - =A312.99 Awakening one of the Great Old Ones - priceless. There are some things man was not meant to know. For everything else, there's Mastercard. ------------------------------
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