> From: Nils Weinander <nils_at_weinander.org>
> Don't draw too far conclusions from the HW mysticism rules.
> Whatever HQ mysticism will look like, it will be different
> from this. The important thing to remember here is that
> mysticism in itself is totally non-magical and has no
> otherworld connection.
The HW mysticism is all we have to draw on so far, so I'd think it's still worth having a look.
> > This is the place that gives us Sheng Seleris. Possibly the most
> > individually powerful (once)mortal in the history of Glorantha.
> True mystics, like Mashunanan are immensely powerful, but
> their power is not magical. Sheng abused the mystic method
> to get massive powers, which were not necessarily of mystic
> origin.
Yes indeed. I don't think Sheng is a very good example of an actual mystics powers. Heck, an actual mystic doesn't go around conquering the world anyway. It's just an indication on how much power a mystic _would_ have if he/she chose to use it.
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