> > > 1.Remember that a practioner adds a fetish spirits ability rating to
> > > either his advantage points or his own ability rating when it is
> > > released. That's a much better bonus than a normal augment.
I wondered:
> > That's just for the shaman, right?
Mark wrote:
> No, all practitioners have the ability to use fetishes. Perhaps you were
> thinking of fetches?
Yes! A minor change in spelling, but a big difference in meaning. I did indeed have the two confused, or rather lumped up into one big whole.
Sorry about that. Non-native english speaker strikes again,
> IMO chaos should corrupt something that is already there instead of
> adding something new. Adding yet another magic system at this point
> would only cause unneccessary confusion.
I was thinking more in the lines that a chaos entity could have both animist and theistic worshippers.
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