> From: Simon Phipp <soltakss_at_yahoo.com>
> Subject: HeroQuest no longer Valid??!!
> To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
> Message-ID: <20050328145208.19148.qmail_at_web51001.mail.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Peter Metcalfe:
>> Mikko:
>>> And at the far end we seem to have mysticism. So esoteric and specialized
>>> that most people even in the lands of the mystics don't really have
>>> anything to do with it. The mystic spends a _lot_ of time before learning
>>> any magic (three abilities to two masteries) and doesn't really gain much
>>> immediate power even then.
>> This sounds like its based on HeroQuest, which is no longer valid.
> What?! Did I blink and miss something? I know I tend to let things float by
> in a dream, but surely not?
> Oh, you meant Hero Wars, perhaps. Shame, I thought RQ was coming back.
We can only hope. :)
Andrew E. Larsen
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