>As a Brit I like to model my favourite Gloranthan culture on Britons
>rather than Vikings
>A significant difference of course is the Heortling Long House as
>opposed to the Celtic round house. I think they are fairly
>sophisticated (in relative terms).
IMG this is purely cultural. Longhouses are used by Heortlings and Umathelans (the latter being covered with bark). Roundhouses are used in Ralios.
Ideally of course any Gloranthan culture draws from more than one Earth culture.
As far as being "primitive," it's mostly their government that's not complex (having really only three levels of hierarchy, if we're counting the days of the Sartar dynasty). Don't forget that magical practice counts as technology, and the Heortlings are far more advanced here than a number of other cultures.
>we have the celtic (with Viking culture overtones) falvour for the Heortlings
Other way around, I think.
-- David Dunham Glorantha/HQ/RQ page: http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha.html Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein ------------------------------
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