>Presumably Heortling culture considers all forms of Undead to be chaotic,
>since that's pretty much their entire experience with the Undead
I can't realy see where you'd get this notion. The Heortlings live
bang slap in the middle betweeen two mighty Troll homelands (Dagori
Inkarth and The Shadow Plateau), who are
well known for their use of Undead. Not only that, but you yourself
mention Delecti's
undead strongholds in the Upland Marsh which directly borders on
Heortling lands.
In contrast I'd expect chaotic undead to be pretty unusual. Most of
the undead they
encounter will probably come from one of these three places.
None of these will register on an Uroxi's Chaos Sense because, well, they're not chaotic.
Simon Hibbs
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