> And doesn't it make him a male heir to the Kingdom of Sartar?
Er... Technically yes, I suppose, but that isn't the point.
> If the Lunars have found that out the fight which gets Kallyr
> and her party kicked off makes sense - it's to kill Danar.
Except that it was Kallyr who started that fight, and I still have no idea why. Well, one of the lists came up with some very good ideas why (LC mainly, wasn't it?), but AFAIK that never got adopted by Officialdom.
> Which means he was probably intended to be King after the
> Dragonrise and Kallyr gets to fill the vacancy because there's
> no alternative.
AFAIK this was not his planned purpose. Come to think of it, there's a sentence in the Shiprise that tells you what his planned purpose was, though in such a vague manner it doesn't help much.
P64. "This was a new cult and it appears, this was to be Danar's creation story. But it clearly failed. 'It's not easy to become immortal.'"
Mind you, IMO "Kallyr gets to fill the vacancy because there's no alternative" is very much how she feels about it by now :( If only her standards for a suitable replacement weren't *quite* so high....
> > When I find out which bits are still secret, ..
> I'll be in on the discussion, but at the moment
> >I'm just confused :(
> Whichever bits Greg hasn't mentioned at conventions :)
Yeah :(
Anyone want to tell me what that was? I've asked Greg, and am awaiting answer and limits of permission. And I gather I'm not the only one in this position.
End of Glorantha Digest, Vol 11, Issue 218
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