Having a touch of time to dip into the lists, I forward a few comments.
> From: Jennifer Geard <geard_at_verso.org>
> Have any of you worked with the Enferalda the Supporter subcult of Ernalda
> the Healer? (TR 194) What do you think the subcult's about?
and other carry on.
I wish only to point out that Entarios is an individual who has made superlative use of the maic available to her, and ought not be used as an example of what all members of the cult are like.
It is dangerous to take individuals who stand out so signifcently that they are "main charcters" and then derive information about the cult in geneal om them.
> The subcult write-up, however, includes nothing like this: in my gaming
> group
> it's even gained the description "Ernalda the Pack-Mule".
Not bad for the common Enferalda.
Entarios is like a player character. She is exceptional and has calculated ways to minimax.
Issaries, Inc., publisher of HeroQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha. 2140 Shattuck Ave., pmb #2030, Berkeley, CA 94704 See our site at <www.HeroQuest-rpg.com>.
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